Star ruler galactic armory
Star ruler galactic armory

star ruler galactic armory

Using the right click menu to build ships now builds those ships on all selected planets or dry docks. The total available slots on a planet can now be seen after a system is explored, even if you no longer have vision. The system plane is now colorized to the color of the dominant empire in that system. System rings are now off by default (replaced by the new information on the system plane). Planet conditions are now tinted green or red according to whether they are beneficial or harmful. AIs in the tutorial will no longer declare war on the player themselves. AIs would propose treaties involving goods and luxuries to empires with the "Eusocial Society" trait. Jump Drives would sometimes retain orders in their previous system after jumping, causing them to fly back. Effector data mismatch error could occur when loading saves with accented characters in blueprint names. Loading a game for multiplayer would allow clients to join the empire the host was controlling. You couldn't access a mod's effects in the particle editor. Dry Docks building other orbiting objects now no longer teleport some of those to close orbit around the sun. Opening the options menu twice at the same time from the escape menu would crash the game.

star ruler galactic armory

Deleting a savegame deleted the wrong entry in the list. Quote Taking over planets from AIs would sometimes prevent the planet from importing a particular resource.

Star ruler galactic armory